Congratulations on progressing to level 5 of the Healthy Posture Club. At this level of neutral spine conditioning, we are focused on conditioning you to safely return to your sport and recreational activities.
Please schedule your Level 5 Virtual Coaching Session before starting these workouts. You can schedule your virtual workouts with the scheduling widget below.
Level 5 Workout Schedule
Lower Body Workout
Monday + Thursday
Perform your Joint Clearing Routine each morning and before your daily workout.
Daily Workout Video
Perform your Joint Clearing Routine before going to sleep to reduce the muscle tension you have in the morning.
Cardiovascular Workout
Wed. + Saturday

No limitations!
Ask your Fitness Coach about our circuit workouts where we teach level 5 workouts in a circuit style with cardio intervals to add cardiovascular and respiratory conditioning to your neutral spine conditioning. Perfect for bad weather days or days you just don’t have time for both.
Upper Body Workout
Tuesday + Friday
Perform your Joint Clearing Routine each morning and before your daily workout.
Daily Workout Video
Perform your Joint Clearing Routine before going to sleep to reduce the muscle tension you have in the morning.
Don’t forget your hourly mobility exercise!

Perform 4 seated Chest Lifts, 4 Spine Twists and 4 Side bends every hour.
Most clients require 4 weeks of level 5 conditioning to safely progress to level 6 of the Healthy Posture Club. When you can hold perform 8 alternating leg lifts from Plank on Toes without losing Chest Lift® or Nead Nod® posture you are likely ready to schedule your level 5 virtual workout session. Please visit the level 5 workout page to prepare for your next virtual training session.

Never work through an injury!
Even the slightest injury can compromise your ability to get into neutral spine alignment. If you have suffered an injury, please schedule a $50 Injury Severity Screen before your next workout so that we can confirm you are able to get the most out of the next workout. Remember, workouts performed outside of neutral spine alignment only reinforce the faulty loading patterns that cause the joint misalignments that serve as the foundation for most chronic pain conditions.
Knowledge is Power!
As you transition into fitness level conditioning, we want to clarify the different types of exercises. Up to this point you have been asked to perform only isotonic strengthening exercises.
- Isokinetic (Machines) – any exercise performed on a piece of exercise equipment that is fixed to the ground is referred to as a machine-based strengthening (aka isokinetic training).
- Isotonic – Isotonic exercises are functional exercises where you keep the same tension on the joint/muscle targeting throughout the movement.
- Free Weights– you have been doing this type of workout in the HPC when you are using the exercises bar and kettlebells. Any type of exercise that challenges your ability to perform some functional movement against a resistance not attached to anything is referred to as a free weight exercise
- Closed Chain Strengthening – any exercise that uses your own body weight as the resistance.
The HPC believes a balanced fitness program combines all 3 types of exercises above. As you transition back to the gym at level 4 we suggest you start with Isokinetic strengthening before progressing into Isotonic. Let your HPC NSC Specialist put a program in place that matches your goals and needs. Here is a good article from Shape Magazine that discussed the pros and cons of machines versus free weights.