Healthy Aging Requires A Plan!
The Healthy Posture Club is a safe place on the internet to access all the resources you need to restore your ability to function from healthy posture. Improve your posture in 6 weeks from the comfort and convenience of home. Treat nagging pains at their source and condition yourself to age healthy.
The Healthy Posture Club combines the Healthy Posture System™ video library with weekly online coaching to guide you through 6 levels of neutral spine conditioning. Restoring your ability to move freely without faulty loading in the neck, back, hips, knees or shoulders. We are experts in helping you condition yourself for healthy aging. Purchase a $50 Posture Screen to see if your goals are best matched with our neutral spine based functional fitness program.
The Problem:
Technology has us spending a majority of our day in collapsed posture. Collapsed posture causes faulty loading which causes joint misalignments which causes pain. Joint misalignments caused by collapsed posture overtime stretch out our ligaments and accelerate joint breakdown.

The HPC Solution:
The Healthy Posture Club combines proprietary joint clearing techniques with 6 levels of neutral spine conditioning to condition you to function from healthy posture. Your fitness program begins to serve your long-term injury prevention needs.
Developed by a physical therapist to avoid physical therapy.

Neutral Spine
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It is not enough to educate you on how to sit and stand more symmetrically. We must condition you to do so.
The first phase of the program is designed to condition your nervous system to function from neutral spine alignment.

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We then must help you make the change with sms reminders at 10 and 2 to restore healthy sitting at work.
We will also evaluate your work environment and make prop suggestion as appropriate to help you spend your work day in healthy posture.

Safe Functional
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Once you are spending a majority of your day from neutral and able to self-correction your joint misalignments we start functional strengthening.
Why Health Posture Club?
Injury Prevention

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Our joints are breaking down at an accelerated rate due to the effects of technology on our posture. Joint breakdown is not reversible but the primary cause is preventable.
Conditioning yourself to function from healthy posture will reduce your injury risk throughout your life in 3 ways.
- You are less likely to fall because you have better movement control.
- When you do fall your entire spine will absorb the stress more evenly.
- You will consume less medical services for musculoskeletal conditions throughout your life
Healthier Aging

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Restoring your ability to perform your daily tasks, fitness, sport and recreational activities from neutral spine alignment will ensure maximum longevity of your joints and quality of life.
The healthier you age the more options you have in retirement.
Technology is wreaking havoc on our spines, shoulders, hips and knees. Traditional fitness solutions including yoga do not teach you how to move from neutral spine alignment. Taking 3 months out of your life to restore your ability to move from neutral spine alignment will save you tens of thousands of dollars and likely will prevent a few surgeries and/or medical procedures.
The sooner you start a neutral spine conditioning program the more money you will save throughout your life.
Injury Management

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When you suffer an injury as a HPC member you will have access to the best physical therapy services in the industry.
No more wasting time for medical visits and unnecessary diagnostic testing!
You will save money on any injury in 3 ways.
- You start your injury management within 48 hours.
- You will treat the foundation of the injury
- Your HPC program will me modified for the injury as needed so that you manage it long-term with your fitness program reducing risk or re-injury

The best way to treat an injury is to prevent it.”
Todd Ball P.T.