Greetings! I'm Todd Ball, your virtual physical therapist here at Healthy Posture Club. Today, we're addressing a common issue: …
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Welcome to the Prehab for Upcoming Surgery blog page. The intention of this page is to help you condition yourself to function from healthy posture before your upcoming surgery so that you maximize your healing potential and get the most out of every medical dollar. Restoring your ability to function from neutral spine alignment prior to your upcoming regenerative medicine procedure will help you get the most out of the procedure, reduce pain and promote quicker healing. It also positions you for long-term injury management and prevention by breaking faulty loading patterns that may have been contributing to your pain and hypermobility. Any movement from forward head posture only reinforces the stresses that contribute to joint laxity and pain. We will use this blog page to share all we have learned as in this area in a logical way. Check back periodically or joint our newsletter to get updates.