Welcome to the Self-care for Neck pain page. If you are experiencing neck pain and you are not restoring mobility in your upper thoracic spine) you may be chasing your own tail. The upper thoracic spine supports the neck. When “stacked”, the upper thoracic spine allows the lower cervical spine to transfer load through the vertebral bodies in a symmetrical and healthy manner. This neutral positioning in the lower cervical spine allows you to fire the muscles that position the skull in its neutral position on C1. The Healthy Posture Club® in partnership with PT on Demand provide digital physical therapy services to safely guide you through the Healthy Posture System™.
Completion of our 6-week program will position you for long-term injury management and prevention by breaking the faulty loading patterns that are contributing to your neck pain and cervical spine instability.
What is Self-care?
Self-care is when you treat a medical condition yourself. It should always be done in association with medical support and guidance from a licensed medical practitioner that is experienced in diagnoses, neutral spine based therapeutic exercise progression and telehealth for your particular condition.
What is Digital Physical Therapy?
Digital physical therapy is when you are guided through a physical therapy treatment plan by a licensed physical therapist through telehealth. It offers many benefits to traditional physical therapy in terms of convenience, costs and flexibility. At the Healthy Posture Club, we guide you through our proprietary program the Healthy Posture System™ using Skype/Teams teleconference coaching sessions.
What is the Healthy Posture System?
The Healthy Posture System™ is a system of neutral spine conditioning that combines proprietary joint clearing techniques with 6 level of neutral spine conditioning to safely condition you to function from healthy posture. This is the most effective way to break the faulty loading patterns that serve as the foundation for most musculoskeletal pain conditions.
Why HPC Self-care for Neck Pain?
Faulty posture is wreaking havoc on your spine. We have spent the last 8 years refining the coaching and video resources needed to safely condition you to function from neutral spine alignment (healthy posture). We are experts in breaking down the complexities of transforming your posture into 6 step-by-step phases of neutral spine conditioning. The goal is simple, restore your ability to function from healthy posture. Your path to complete recovery requires expertise, structure, a system that maximizes safety and yields consistent results.
What You Will Accomplish?
Healthy Posture! You will condition yourself to function from neutral spine alignment. We will guide you through the program in a very structured way addressing all aspect of home and work life.