Treat the foundation of your pain from the comforts of home, on your schedule and at your pace. Welcome to the next generation of injury management and prevention. There are patterns associated with most musculoskeletal pain conditions. Collapsed posture causes faulty loading patterns which result in predictable joint misalignments.
Utilizing our video on demand platform Healthy Posture Clubâ„¢, we will medically guide you through a series of workout videos that combine proprietary joint clearing techniques with 6 levels of neutral spine conditioning to restore your ability to function from healthy posture in 9 to 12 weeks. Breaking the pain-cycle that limits you.
Don’t just treat your pain, treat the source of your pain for long-term injury management and prevention.
The Problem
Technology is recking havoc on your spine and causing joint misalignments that accelerating your joint breakdown. You cannot treat neck or back pain long-term with pain management treatments or a few exercises. You must change your sitting, standing and sleeping postures.
The human skeletal system is neurologically wired to function from a very precise posture. The skull, rib cage and pelvis are designed to be in alignment with each other during all functional activities to allow for symmetrical and healthy load transfer through each vertebral spinal segment. Collapsed posture breaks this brilliantly designed system and overload the neck and low back. Overtime this mechanical overload caused joint misalignments and starts the cycle of pain in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and knees that fill waiting rooms. This cycle can be broken. We are experts in helping you do it safely and cost-effectively.
The HPC Solution
The Healthy Posture System addresses the foundation of your pain for long-term injury management and prevention. Life is too short to suffer an avoidable injury.
Purchase a $50 Digital Physical Therapy Consult to get started.
What is Digital Physical Therapy?
Digital physical therapy is physical therapy telehealth. It differs dramatically from virtual physical therapy in that it includes direct observation of every prescribed exercise. Digital physical therapy at PT on Demand takes it a step forward and pairs the Healthy Posture System with our video-on-demand platform to create a powerful digital workout treatment environment. You will be walked through 6 levels of neutral spine conditioning to change the way you perform your daily activities.
How Does it Work?
After your Digital PT consultation you will be asked to purchase a Get Started 6-pack for $300. You will schedule 2 sessions a week for 2 weeks, then 1 session a week for 2 more weeks. You will receive a link to a video to watch before each digital workout treatment. You are guided through that workout during the session and home program instructions are prescribed based on your performance. We spend a few minutes each session to discuss what lifestyle modification should be appropriate at each level of neutral spine conditioning.
We connect digitally through Teams/Skype. You will receive instruction before your PT consult on how to connect with us. Visit the exercise needed page to identify what equipment and/or props you will need to start the program. All communications are organized within your Teams/Skype contact log for simplicity and convenience.
What will We Accomplish?
Healthy Posture!
You will condition yourself to perform your home and work activities from neutral spine alignment. We will then condition you to safely return to fitness from healthy posture.
- Week 1 + 2: You will restore you ability to get into neutral spine alignment
- Week 3 + 4: You will be able to sit, stand and walk from neutral spine alignment
- Week 5 + 6: You will be able to perform home tasks without faulty loading in your neck, low back hips or knees.
- Week 7 + 8: You will be able to perform fitness from neutral spine alignment.
We will address every aspect of your home and work life.
Who Can Benefit?
Anyone with neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain or knee pain that does not have good posture. You must be willing to perform a 5 minute daily joint clearing routine and a 15-20 minute daily neutral spine conditioning workout.
Injury Management Program:
Healthy Neck Program
Healthy Shoulder Program
Healthy Back Program
Healthy Hip Program
Healthy Knee Program
Prehab for Regenerative Medicine
Injury Prevention Programs:
Healthy Kids Program
Healthy Mommy Program
Healthy Aging Program
Phases and Pricing:
Neutral Spine Conditioning Phase
Neurologically conditioning yourself to function from neutral spine alignment takes 6 to 8 weeks. We need minimally 8 sessions to teach you all you need to know to reach this milestone. The $600 Get Started 8-pack ($75/session) will safely progress you to level 3 of the program which conditions you to perform home + sedentary work tasks from healthy posture. It takes 2-3 months to achieve this level of conditioning and address all the moving parts contributing to the faulty loading patterns associated with collapsed posture.
Functional Fitness Maintenance Memberships
Complete Fitness Membership
Maintain complete fitness with circuit workouts.
8 digital workout treatments per month
HPC subscription fee $0/month
Healthy Sport Membership
Perform sport from healthy posture.
4 digital workout treatments per month
HPC subscription fee $15/month
Safe Fitness Membership
Perform fitness and daily tasks from healthy posture.
2 digital workout treatments per month
HPC subscription fee $30/month
Learn More
â–ª 1 level 6 digital circuit workout a week
â–ª 1 level 5 functional fitness workout treatment a week digitally
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â–ª 2 level 5 digital circuit workout
â–ª 1 level 5 functional fitness workout treatment a week digitally
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â–ª 1 upper body level 4 functional fitness workout session
â–ª 1 lower body level 4 functional fitness workout session
66% of our client progress into maintenance memberships; 25% progress into self-care via our video-on-demand subscription (Functional Fitness VOD).
Commonly Asked Questions:
Why are sessions only $50?
Your virtual sessions are 15-20 minutes in duration. Our workouts are only 8 to 20 minutes in duration. If you watch the workout prescribed prior to your virtual coaching session, we only need to watch you do a few repetitions to make sure you are doing them properly. You only pay for what you need!
Why are training session only 15-20 minutes?
The coaching sessions are not designed during the Neutral Spine Conditioning phase to be your workout of the day, they are designed to make sure you are doing your prescribed daily workouts properly. This limits the amount of information and observation required to advance you from one level to the other.
Why does the Neutral Spine Conditioning Phase take 3 months?
The key to changing your posture is not strengthening, its neural integration. You have been functioning from collapsed posture your entire adult life. We cannot rush the process and we must reach each of the following milestone in the following order.
- Restore your ability to get into neutral spine alignment (1-2 weeks).
- Condition you to sit, stand and walk from healthy posture (1-2 weeks).
- Teach you joint clearing techniques to address your individual joint misalignment issues before strengthening exercises (2 weeks).
- Condition you to maintain healthy posture against very light loads (2 weeks).
- Condition you to maintain healthy posture against light loads (2 weeks).
- Condition you to maintain healthy posture against moderate loads (2 weeks).
What is the Healthy Posture Club?
The Healthy Posture Club is our video-on-demand platform through which we guide you through each level of the program. There is a web page for each level of the program to ensure you have all the information and resources needed to meet the milestones for that level.
What is the Healthy Posture System?
The Healthy Posture Systemâ„¢ is the science behind the workout structure and progression. We have spent 8 years fine tuning how to manage all the communications necessary to change the way you sit, stand, sleep and function.
- How do you best teach neautral spine alignment – 4 Principles of Neutral Spine Alignment
- What exercises should we use to condition you to function from healthy posture
- How do we break those exercise into 6 phases of progression
- Joint clearing before strengthening
- What joints are most often misaligned? How do you teach self-correction.
- How to we inject these joint clearing techniques into a daily routine and into workouts for best results.